
Information Hiding

Information hiding occurs when a language allows some program entities to be invisible to parts of a program. When applied to data within an object or module, we usually use the more specific term encapsulation. Information hiding is a good thing since it can make it harder to write certain types of mailicious code, and make it harder to accidentally ruin parts of a system you didn't mean to touch.

Here are some different language forms for information hiding.

Explicit information hiding

A direct approach is to use a modifier — a keyword or symbol that defines an access level for an entity. Here are various possible forms:

private var x;
protected double x;
private protected var x;
package protected boolean x;
package local var x;
public array of int x;
x: public string;
-int x;
+int x;
-(int) x;
+(int) x;

These modifiers can be used to hide a class within a package, a member within a class, or just about anything within a module. Visibility of fields for example, can be restricted to

  • The object in which it appears
  • All objects of the same class in which it appears
  • The package in which it appears
  • Its class and all its class's subclasses
  • Its class and subclasses and the same package

...and it can have no restrictions at all (this generally uses the modifier public).

For languages that favor symbols over words, you could use something like

  • - for most-restricted (private)
  • # for semi-restricted or (protected or package-private or package-protected)
  • + for least-restricted or (public)

A good case can be made for + and - ... not sure about others.

Implicit encapsulation

The other approach is to implement information hiding simply by the position of entity declarations. This is normally done by nesting, for example, local variables are almost always automatically private to a function (or method or procedure) body:

function f(x) {
    var y;

Parameters are usually private to a function too. We say "usually" because in languages that support named parameter association, calling code can see the parameter name, but it can only be used in the call, so it's plenty safe.

We can have variables that are local to a block, or an iteration statement:

for i in x..y
  # Some code using i
x.upto(y) do |i|
  # Some code using i

One interesting style is to have a module in which there is one section (usually called the interface) which holds the visible identifiers and another section (the implementation) holding private stuff. A sketch:

module Stacks
    type Stack(int capacity);
    vpid push(Object)
    Object pop()
    int size()
    Any variable defined here is private
    to this entire implementation section
    . . .
    Here we expand on the interface items
    type Stack(int capacity) is
        int top = 0; 
        Object[] data = Array(Object).new(capacity)
    void push(Object x) 
        raise Overflow if top == capacity;
        data[top++] = x
    Object pop()
        raise Underflow if top == 0;
    int size()

Hybrid Approaches

We can also have modules in which everything is private (hidden) by default — and an explicit export is needed.

module m
    export a;    // but not b
    int a, b;
    . . .

In some cases modules are completely closed off and you need an explicit import also.

int x, y;
. . .
module m
    import x;    // but not y
    export a;    // but not b
    int a, b;
    . . .


  1. I can't wait for this section to be done.

  2. Hi! I was clicking around from the index, and the text that seems like it should link to this page instead links to http://language-design.blogspot.com/2010/05/reserved-words.html - probably a typo!
