
List Comprehensions

A list comprehension is a compact syntactic form for a list (or array) that is built from applying an operation to certain elements of an existing list (or array). For example:

[7*x-3 | x in 1..n | x mod 3 == 1] 

means the list of all values made by computing 7 * x - 3, for each x in 1 through n where x mod 3 is 1. If n is 10, for example, the generated list is [4, 25, 46, 67]. The three parts of the comprehension are called the output (expression), the input (range) and the filter (predicate).

Common uses of comprehensions

[7*x-3 | x in 1..n | x mod 3 == 1]  // operate on (map) and filter a range 
[7*x-3 | x in a | x mod 3 == 1]     // map and filter an existing list
[7*x-3 | x in 1..n | true]          // no filtering, just map
[x | x in 1..100 | isPrime(x) ]     // just a filter, no map


{7*x-3 | x in 1..n | x mod 3 == 1}
[7*x-3 for x in a where x mod 3 == 1]
[7*x-3 for x in a if x mod 3 == 1]              // Python
[7*x-3 for each (i in a) if (x % 3 == 1)]       // JavaScript 1.7 (uncommon)
for (i <- (1 to 10) if x % 3 == 1) yield 7*x-3  // Scala
[7*x-3, x in 1..n, x mod 3 == 1]
{7*x-3 : x ∈ 1..n ∧ x mod 3 == 1}               // Plain old Math!!
[7*x-3 : x ∈ 1..n, x mod 3 == 1]
[7*_-3 | a | _ mod 3 == 1]                      // implicit variable

Complex input sets

How do we handle the idea of two range variables for the input set? We can write two range expressions or range over a set of tuples:

[2*x+y | x in 1..n, y in 'a'..'z' | x mod 3 == 1 and isVowel(y)]
[(x, y*y) | (x, y) ∈ a × (1..10) | x < y]
[x + y for x in a for y in b]                   // Python

Life without comprehensions

If you don't have comprehensions, or a compact, symbolic list append operator, you end up writing this:
List<Integer> a = new List<Integer>();
for (int x = 1; x <= n; x++) {
    if (x % 3 == 1) {
        a.append(7 * x - 3);
Many programmers like that kind of coding. More verbose, but everyone can understand it.
In languages that treat for and if as suffixes to simple statements (like Perl and Ruby), we get compact forms that can be nearly as terse as comprehensions:
a = [];
for x in 1..n
  a << 7 * x - 3 if x mod 3 == 1
a = [];
a << 7 * x - 3 if x mod 3 == 1 for x in 1..n
a = [];
a << 7 * x - 3 for x in 1..n where x mod 3 == 1

And, of course, there are map and filter (or select as it is called in Ruby)...

(1..n).filter(x -> x mod 3 == 1).map(x -> 7 * x - 3)
(1..10).select{|x| x % 3 == 1}.map{|x| 7 * x - 3}         // Ruby
(1 to n) filter { _%3==1 } map { 7*_-3 }                  // Scala
map((x -> 7 * x - 3), filter((x -> x mod 3 == 1), (1..n)))

Try the previous examples with your favorite form of lambda expression.

Here's an interesting variation, in Ruby that uses map but not select. Instead we add a if clause to the map, which generates extra nils, which we squeeze out with compact. Not pretty, but it gets that nice little "if" in there. Fun.

(1..n).map{|x| 7 * x - 3 if x % 3 == 0}.compact

Information Hiding

Information hiding occurs when a language allows some program entities to be invisible to parts of a program. When applied to data within an object or module, we usually use the more specific term encapsulation. Information hiding is a good thing since it can make it harder to write certain types of mailicious code, and make it harder to accidentally ruin parts of a system you didn't mean to touch.

Here are some different language forms for information hiding.

Explicit information hiding

A direct approach is to use a modifier — a keyword or symbol that defines an access level for an entity. Here are various possible forms:

private var x;
protected double x;
private protected var x;
package protected boolean x;
package local var x;
public array of int x;
x: public string;
-int x;
+int x;
-(int) x;
+(int) x;

These modifiers can be used to hide a class within a package, a member within a class, or just about anything within a module. Visibility of fields for example, can be restricted to

  • The object in which it appears
  • All objects of the same class in which it appears
  • The package in which it appears
  • Its class and all its class's subclasses
  • Its class and subclasses and the same package

...and it can have no restrictions at all (this generally uses the modifier public).

For languages that favor symbols over words, you could use something like

  • - for most-restricted (private)
  • # for semi-restricted or (protected or package-private or package-protected)
  • + for least-restricted or (public)

A good case can be made for + and - ... not sure about others.

Implicit encapsulation

The other approach is to implement information hiding simply by the position of entity declarations. This is normally done by nesting, for example, local variables are almost always automatically private to a function (or method or procedure) body:

function f(x) {
    var y;

Parameters are usually private to a function too. We say "usually" because in languages that support named parameter association, calling code can see the parameter name, but it can only be used in the call, so it's plenty safe.

We can have variables that are local to a block, or an iteration statement:

for i in x..y
  # Some code using i
x.upto(y) do |i|
  # Some code using i

One interesting style is to have a module in which there is one section (usually called the interface) which holds the visible identifiers and another section (the implementation) holding private stuff. A sketch:

module Stacks
    type Stack(int capacity);
    vpid push(Object)
    Object pop()
    int size()
    Any variable defined here is private
    to this entire implementation section
    . . .
    Here we expand on the interface items
    type Stack(int capacity) is
        int top = 0; 
        Object[] data = Array(Object).new(capacity)
    void push(Object x) 
        raise Overflow if top == capacity;
        data[top++] = x
    Object pop()
        raise Underflow if top == 0;
    int size()

Hybrid Approaches

We can also have modules in which everything is private (hidden) by default — and an explicit export is needed.

module m
    export a;    // but not b
    int a, b;
    . . .

In some cases modules are completely closed off and you need an explicit import also.

int x, y;
. . .
module m
    import x;    // but not y
    export a;    // but not b
    int a, b;
    . . .


Reserved Words

Many languages reserve words for their own use, meaning that you, the programmer, cannot use these words for your own purposes. Reserved words are related to keywords which are words used for certain purposes by the language, but which you can also use as you wish.

What is the motivation for a language to have reserved words? Are reserved words a good thing or not? Is there such thing as different degrees of being reserved?

Why reserve words at all?

A language might want to reserve words to limit confusion. The following are legal statements in PL/1, a language which chose not to reserve IF, THEN, ELSE, DO, and similar keywords:


Would anyone really write code like that? Even if someone felt the need to abuse keywords like that, simply reserving them doesn't completely prevent programmers from writing confusing code in other ways. There's no stopping this:

int subtract(int x, int y) {
    return x + y;

Perhaps the real reason languages reserve words is to make things easier for the compiler, or to give the language authors an outlet in which to be funny. For example, the word goto is reserved in Java, even though it isn't used for anything. Of course, nothing prevents a Java programmer from using the word in package names, comments, and string literals. And, as Java is case-sensitive, there's always class Goto ... .

Why not reserve words?

There are a few reasons for not reserving words:

  • Programmers should have the freedom to choose their own identifiers. It's the compiler's job to figure out when words are used in a particular context.
  • It's annoying to programmers. There are thousands of Java programs in the world using variable and parameter names called klass, clazz, or c, because class is verboten. (Awesome hackers might even use clаss — haha, the third letter there is a Cyrillic small letter a, not a Latin one!)
  • As a language evolves, the addition of new reserved words will break old code.

Keywords versus symbols

Here are three alternative syntaxes for a certain statement:

if greater(x, y) and w then begin assign x plus 4 to z; print z; end;
if (x > y && w) {z = x + 4; print z}
(x > y && w ==> z = x + 4, !z)

The obvious things to notice are that too many keywords make code too verbose and readability goes down. Too few keywords gives you cryptic code. Most people understand + and * and /, but really, a ! for "print"? In fact, most symbols aren't obvious at first. Different languages use = differently. And what about these things: <=>. =~. %. ===, ^, *., #, ??, and who knows what else? Anyone use APL?

Symbols are sometimes preferred to keywords for another reason: if keywords are in a language you don't speak, they might be harder to learn than symbols. Programmers that know Spanish but not English may prefer 'y' to 'and' and 'mientras' to 'while'. This is one use for macros, I suppose. In C:

#define mientras while

Symbols as keywords

In ML, identifiers can be alphanumeric or symbolic. So +, <=*=> and ====> are all identifiers. You can define functions with these names. And you can define + to do subtraction. You can even do that in Ruby. Is this okay? The choices seem to be:

  • Allow symbolic identifiers, but treat some as reserved words so that no programmer can override such basic operators as +.
  • Allow symbolic identifiers but place no restrictions on them. After all, the reason languages allow "operator overloading" is to allow addition on vectors and other structured objects.
  • Disallow symbolic identifiers but permit operator overloading (for the fixed set of predefined symbolic operators).
  • Prohibit both symbolic identifiers and operator overloading.

How reserved is reserved?

When a language specification says that a word is reserved, it generally means one of two things:

  • The word cannot, under any circumstances, be used as a name for any programmer-defined entity (e.g., a variable, constant, function, type, object property name, method, function parameter, statement label, etc.)
  • The word can be used to name some programmer-defined entities, but its position in the source code text is restricted to simplify language processing (specifically, tokenization).

The former case may be stricter than necessary because quoting, for one thing, works pretty well for object properties (at least):

point["long"] = 118.3532;

You can't stop people from using reserved words in string literals, after all. Similar to quoting is escaping; for example, you would write something like :

var @while = 2;

The @ is not part of the variable name, it's just an escape character that tells the compiler the variable is really named 'while' but we're going to use it as an identifier and not as the beginning of a while statement.

The second case is interesting. JavaScript, for example, reserves the word "long" and while it allows

point["long"] = 118.3532;

it does not allow

point.long = 118.3532;

The probable reason for this is that it wants its lexical analyzer to be independent of context: for it to simply look that the above text and tokenize it into

    IDENTIFIER ("point")
    NUMBER ("118.3532")

But is that really important in practice anymore? Lexical analyzers can easily choose a different meaning for a token if, say, the previous token is a dot! That would allow point.long. Now what about var point = {lat: 40, long: -110}? It would seem we'd have to allow the lexical analyzer to have access to the parser's state, but really, just wait until the semantic analysis phase and allow certain known keyword tokens to be just as good as identifiers when it comes to object property names.