Nearly every non-trivial application makes use of dictionaries, a.k.a. maps, associative arrays, hashes, lookup tables. What are some useful and convenient forms for these objects?
Types of Dictionaries
A look at the Java Collections and Concurrency APIs shows that there are quite a few kinds of dictionaries out there. Among them (note that these types are not mutually exclusive) are:
- HashMap
- SortedMap
- TreeMap
- LinkedHashMap
- ConcurrentMap
- NavigableMap
- SkipListMap
- IdentityHashMap
- EnumMap
- WeakHashMap
Literal Forms
If you've only coded in Java, C, Fortran, Pascal, Ada, or similar languages, you're missing out on the fun of writing dictionary literals. Here is a sampling of syntaxes:{"CA":"Sacramento", "HI":"Honolulu", "OR": "Salem", "MA":"Boston"} {CA:"Sacramento", HI:"Honolulu", OR: "Salem", MA:"Boston"} {"CA" => "Sacramento", "HI" => "Honolulu", "OR" => "Salem", "MA" =>"Boston"} {CA => "Sacramento", HI => "Honolulu", OR => "Salem", MA => "Boston"} {:CA => "Sacramento", :HI => "Honolulu", :OR => "Salem", :MA => "Boston"}
The colon as a separator is probably the most popular; it appears in well-known data interchange formats like JSON and YAML. The => is called a hashrocket, because dictionaries are sometimes called hashes. (They shouldn't be called hashes in general; that term should only be used when you know that internally the dictionary uses a hash table for storage. Often you'll do fine with a search tree or a plain old array.)
Coping without Literals
Some languages do not allow literal forms for dictionaries. What can you do? In a dyanmically typed language, some kind of constructor taking a string with delimiters works pretty well:
def dictionary (s) d =; pairs = s.split("|") for pair in pairs key, value = pair.split(",") d.put(key, value) end return d end states = dictionary("CA,Sacramento|HI,Honolulu|OR,Salem|MA,Boston");
Works for this one case, but in general the delimiters should be parameters...
Java programmers can combine static initializers with anonymous subclasses to approximate literals:
Map<String, String> states = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("CA", "Sacramento"); put("HI", "Honolulu"); put("OR", "Salem"); put("MA", "Boston"); } };